Boson Fulfills Make-A-Wish
Wednesday 3 January 2024

Helmets replace hard hats

Posted by at 4:15 PM

Helmets replace hard hats

The Boson Company has a notable track record of receiving safety awards from both regional and national organizations, including AGC Wisconsin and Acuity, which commend businesses for their exemplary safety practices. Emphasizing a commitment to safety, The Boson Company takes a proactive stance in ensuring the well-being of their employees.

In the summer 2023, the company introduced a significant safety enhancement – replacing traditional hard hats with safety helmets which include chin straps. This decision was made after Boson’s leadership team followed up on research noted on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) website.

The shift to helmets provide employees enhanced protection from side impacts, trips, and/or falls, where traditional hard hats may be more prone to dislodging during such incidents. This proactive measure aligns with The Boson Company's ongoing efforts to stay up to date on the latest safety recommendations and implementation of best practices that benefit their workforce.